All personal data provided to us as the user / visitor are processed only in order to provide optimum conditions for services associated to website
The website is operated by DOUANE GROUP SRL based in Str. Prigoriilor nr.1, Bucharest, registered in the Trade Register with number J40/6646/2000.
DOUANE GROUP SRL is registered in the Register of Personal Data Processing under no. 29 431 and guarantees the rights conferred by Law 677/2001, in regards to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
DOUANE GROUP SRL guarantees the security and confidentiality of data hosted and transmitted through its information system. This information will be used by DOUANE GROUP SRL for processing your user's orders of products and services, for issuing transport documents, invoices or other documents required by customer's orders.